Sunday, May 13, 2018

Repurposed card board boxes into storage boxes

Now a days we are buying everything online.  We often can find cheaper prices and also end up saving time going to the store.  This is all good but I one side effect of online shopping is all the shipping packages that they arrive in, especially the card board boxes.  Sometime I feel like I am living in a warehouse instead of a house.  Instead of throwing them away I decided to repurpose some of the boxes into eco friendly storage bins.  I use them to organize toys, books etc.  This is a quick and easy project, 15 to 20 minutes, especially if you are good with wrapping gifts boxes.

 To make nice storage box you just need gift wrapping sheet, scissors and a tape.

First step take a box of you desire size. Then cut the wrapping paper according to the box size.

Fold the box flaps in.  Wrap the wrapping paper around the box and tape it.  Fold the edges of paper at the bottom of the box and then tape it.  Finally fold the edges into the box at the top and tape it.

That is it!! Diaper box turned into beautiful storage box for storing books, toys, clothes and phones or tablets.


Floral print box.

Dining in decorations

The holiday season is here. It is time for decorating homes and planning to host parties. This year we are all having hardships and it proba...