Saturday, March 17, 2018

Ugadi - Spring Festival 2

Happy Ugadi to all. The changing season and new blooms, this is another spring festival celebrated in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and some other parts of India.

Ugadi - uga means age and adi means beginning.  Those who celebrate Ugadi consider this as start of a new year.


Ugadi is not Ugadi without Ugadi pacchadi. Ugadi pacchadi is made of jaggery, raw mango pieces, pepper, neem flowers and tamarind representing all primary tastes.

Like the Ugadi pacchadi, life comes in all different flavors - happiness, sorrow, failure and success. Whatever flavor life throws at you, you should make the most of it, learn from it and try to make yourself a better human being.  That to me is the message of Ugadi.

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